Friday, April 07, 2006

White Noise

It's been argued in relationships that you can sometimes, inadvertently, tune out someone who is talking to you. Everyone does it one time or another and some are worse than others. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the person's attention span or what's on his or her mind at the time and mostly it's a forgivable offense. However, I have discovered another phenomenon, which I'm sure isn't exclusive to me, but it certainly pertains to me. I AM WHITE NOISE.

Take this scenario. You are sitting at your desk in the office and a co-worker enters the room. There are several other co-workers in the room, each at their own desks but all within ear shot. You strike up a conversation with the person who just entered the room, about a topic you may have been discussing privately earlier in the day. This sparks a story from the person who then walks away from you to tell the story to the other person or persons in the room, out of earshot to you. You are left sitting their wondering WTF just happened. That person is me.

Now people don't do this on purpose, mostly, and like I said, it's forgivable. There must be something about me that spurs this event because it happens a lot. I mean, It happens all the time. The other day, I was telling my wife something that happened at work. I had her full attention and right smack in the middle of one of my sentences, she turns to her sister and starts talking about something completely different, cutting me off entirely. Now this has a lot to do with being comfortable with a spouse and how things that you say remind them or important things that they forgot, and that's all and good. It just happens a lot. I mean, it happens all the time.

My white noise ability is so powerful that it even effects me. I'll be saying something important, at least I thought it was important. Someones attention will float away as it often does and when they get back to me, I don't even remember what I was saying. This happens a lot. I mean it happens all the time.

While this can be damaging to the ego after the nth time it happens, I take it in stride. Wait, what was I talking about?

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Blogger Darv said...

eh? whadyasay?

8:47 AM  

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