Friday, March 17, 2006

Do You Eat The Crust?

There are only a few types of people in the world when it comes to dealing with problems. I'd like to think that the majority of them are good, caring people, who generally don't want to do harm to others, but their intentions have little to do with how they deal with issues. I've learned to generalize these types by comparing them to the Crusty ends of a loaf of bread. That piece of bread that is completely covered by crust on one side symbolically stands for that which we like to avoid.

There are people that avoid the Crust. They dig down to the next slice of bread, avoiding it all together. These are the kind of people who like to avoid problems, sometimes pretending they don't exist. The person who walks away after dropping the Mayo jar in the aisle of the grocery store. These are sometimes angry people, who lash out when questioned.

There are people that seek out the Crust. They'll take it so that others don't have to worry about it. These are the mother types who filter the bad from a child's eye, or a guy who runs into a flaming building to save a puppy. Hero types, do-gooders.

There are people that just take whatever is in front of them, crust or not. These are the apathetic. They don't avoid issues, but don't seek them out either. People who go to work every day, pay their bills on time, clean up after themselves, but don't necessarily work their hardest, make extra payments, or scrub the toilet.

Then there are the people who eat the crust if that's all is left. The problem with these people is they avoid issues until they can't be avoided anymore, then they are stuck with two crusts for their sandwich.

Take the Poll on the right. What Kind Of Crust Eater Are You?



Blogger Darv said...

The bread crusts are not exactly the corner of a slab of square cake (extra icing). However, I have found, after extensive cooking, that the crusts can either make an excellent top for a bowl of French onion soup or used as a tremendous grilled cheese sandwich because the crusts don’t burn as fast.

If I think I will have the time, I save the crusts for one of these two purposes, otherwise I will just eat them whenever.

So to answer the poll it would be “Whatever” most of the time. Though Ingenuity would also be a partial answer too.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

you sometimes make my head hurt

6:39 PM  
Blogger Darv said...

Only sometimes? I must be loosing my touch. =(

3:01 PM  

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