Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lets Talk Politics

Someone once told me a little parable that went something like this, "If you are not a Liberal in your youth, then you have no heart. If you are not a Conservative as an adult, you have no brain." While I obviously don't buy into that, it does show a trend in a changing attitude that many Americans have. Let's face it, when it comes to politics, most American vote from the heart. We either get behind the candidate that says what we want to hear or perhaps we just vote for the candidate that has less skeletons in the closet.

We are soon going to be entering that phase where campaign ads are going to cloud our minds and crowd our TV's commercial time. We'll soon have to make choices on who is likely to win vs. who we'd like to actually see running our country. We'll soon see people says things and state opinions only to say the complete opposite in a years time. Thus is the nature of politics. This is nothing new.

History shows the political process as it is now, the many times redundant processes, the sometimes convoluted views, and the pandering to the public well being as far back as the ancient Greeks, or older still. We've learned little since that time. We still have scandal and people in power who make their own choices instead of choices for the wellbeing of the people who voted them in. The phrase, "For the people, by the people" is a joke, a sad joke with a bad punch line.

You take a look at some of possible Candidate options for, arguably, the most power person in the world, the President of the United States of America, and see the same sad story being retold once again. Every Presidential Hopeful has an angle, something to add verisimilitude to the American people. This candidate's wife has Cancer. That Candidate is a former First lady. They other guy won the popular vote but lost an election. Hey, that guy was a Prisoner of War in Vietnam. That guy is black. These things don't matter to an intelligent person, we look to the issues. It's the best we can do.

Don't vote on party lines. Take a look and see what everyone stands for, check into factors of consistency. Are they telling us one thing in middle class America, then telling the Millionaires another story all together? It's a game of cat and mouse, one we can never win, but lets use our heart as well as our brain. Let us look at both the liberal and the conservative. Lets give em both a chance to show us why they can make a difference. No matter how strange the ideas are, they can't be much worse than what we have now.



Blogger Darv said...

I don't vote along party lines. I vote along money lines.

12:27 PM  

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