Friday, September 01, 2006

Vincent & The Doctor -- Chapter 1

Chapter 1
He opened his eyes quickly then shut them just as quick as the sunlight streaming through the open window shot daggers of pain into his already throbbing head. As he tried to adjust his eyes to the searing light of the room, he spots the moving shadow that stops before him, "G' Morning Doc."
"Good Morning Vincent," The shadowed form replied, "It seems you were rather harsh with the orderlies this morning. It seems they repaid you in kind."
Vincent's vision was improving as he could now see the room in some fashion. He was sitting in his usual place, on the over padded burlap couch, restrained, also per usual. He had a splitting headache and a new set of lumps along the base of his neck and shoulders, not unusual. "You'll forgive me Doc if I need a second to collect myself? The new cocktail of drugs you force on me makes it a little difficult to recover from the beating those clowns keep giving me." Doctor Ballard opened his mouth as if to reply but was cut off immediately, "Doctor Ballard, I wanna talk about what happened on October 17th now."
"This would now be the 4th time you've said this Vincent and..."
"If you'd just give me a sec to collect my thoughts Doc, I assure you, I ain't screwin' with ya."
"Very well Vincent." The Doctor sat back in his over-sized chair and scribbled a few notes onto his clip board. Vincent gives some thought to the two orderlies that worked him over a short while ago and grits his teeth almost painfully. The throbbing is lessening. He relaxes his jaw and feigns a smile.
"Where ya wanna start Doc?"
"Tell me about your time in the Army Vincent. This is where you met Mr. Huxley previously, wasn't it?
"Chuck Huxley..."



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