Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday The Thirteenth

So someone points out today is Friday the 13th. Big deal. Ever the curious one that I am, I decide to go to my favorite resource on the web, Wikipedia, to find out the origins of this most unholy of days.

The origin of the Friday the 13th superstition has been linked to the belief that there were 13 people at The Last Supper of Jesus, who was crucified on Good Friday, but it probably originated in medieval times. It has also been linked to the fact that a lunisolar calendar must have 13 months in some years, while the solar Gregorian calendar and lunar Islamic calendar always have 12 months in a year. Another suggestion is that the belief originated in a Norse myth about twelve gods having a feast in Valhalla. The mischievous Loki gate-crashed the party as an uninvited 13th guest and arranged for Hod, the blind god of darkness, to throw a branch of mistletoe at Balder, the god of joy and gladness. Balder was killed instantly and the Earth was plunged into darkness and mourning as a result. Both the first and last xplanations, however, seem more relevant to the superstition linked to having 13 people at the same table during a meal.

I guess you learn something every day. Friday the 13th part 7 was the best by the way.


Blogger Darv said...

Was that the one where jason goes to space and the fun unfolds?

12:33 PM  
Blogger Mikey said...

Friday the 13th, part 7 was the one with teh psychic who attacked Jason with her mind. The only reason I liked it so much was because it was the best Jason makeup work in teh entire series. He looked very undead and not plastic.

12:38 PM  

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